Buying leather shoes for men can be a bit challenging due to the many factors to consider. The shoes should be comfortable, durable, and stylish, among other things. A few of the essential qualities to look for when shopping for men’s leather shoes are highlighted below.
The design of the leather shoes you choose should match your tastes and preferences. Examples of popular designs include loafers, Oxfords, cap toes, dress boots, and monk strap, among many others. More importantly, however, the design should conform to the shape of your feet. The idea is to ensure maximum comfort and prevent health problems that might arise from wearing the wrong leather shoes. For that, you also need to consider the fit of the shoes in terms of both width and length.
Leather Quality
The durability of the shoes mostly depends on the quality of leather used. The shoes that you choose should be made of genuine, high-quality leather for maximum durability. There are various ways to determine the quality of leather, most of which you can only learn from experience. For example, you can check the edging of the leather, how it looks, feels, and how it smells as well.
Another way of telling if a pair of leather shoes is of high quality is considering the cobbler that made it. The leather shoes are more likely to be comfortable and durable, especially when they are made by an experienced cobbler. You should thus find out how the leather shoes you are considering were made before you make the purchase.
Sole Quality
You should also check the shoe carefully to determine whether the sole has been stitched on or glued. For quality leather shoes, the sole should be stitched. Also, check the material used for the sole. Generally, a leather sole should be more comfortable compared to a rubber sole. However, it may take a little longer to break-in shoes with leather soles.
It is important to note that a more expensive pair of men’s leather shoes does not necessarily mean the pair has higher quality. The price tags can be part of a marketing strategy. For suspiciously low prices, however, it may be an indication of poor quality leather. The only way to be sure of the quality is to do a physical inspection.